2024 Word

February 12, 2024

What is your Word for 2024?

What is your word for 2024?

A word of the Year is your constant – yet gentle -reminder to focus on creating positive change. This word is to help guide your decisions and continue moving towards what you want.

I was introduced to this concept many years ago by a very dear, lifelong friend, Diana O’Brien, whom I met as my University freshman roommate! For many years we met in different cities for dinner and I always knew she would eventually ask “So, what is your word?” Diana is a lifelong learner and true leader!

I admit, for the first several years, I dreaded the question. I was just not that self-aware. I did not want to think about it. I did not feel the need to grow and change …. Until I got to a point in my life where I was ready to be a catalyst of my change versus the world forcing it on me!

Every Christmas holiday season, our four children still travel with us to interesting places and yes, they get the dreaded question “What is your word for this year?” Every year they try to avoid the questions as I did for many years.

This year was different. As they all are in their early career stages they also see they have options for addressing change – let the world do it for you or be one’s own life architect. Two of the four have taken the challenge to heart. I am halfway there! lol

With that said, my word is FOCUS. Focus on what is important and let go of the noise!

Wishing you a prosperous new year. And of course, I do hope you know your word!

With focus!